Culture and Leadership Blog

Learn about culture and leadership in organisations and teams with the best in The People Game.
Discover our latest thinking, lessons learned, practices to experiment with, and ideas worth exploring.

The Productivity Paradox culture cultureshift meetings Aug 16, 2024

In today's ever-accelerating work environment, the relentless push for productivity can often feel overwhelming. We know the struggle to balance getting things done without succumbing to burnout is...

Be honest. Is your culture worth belonging to? culture cultureshift Apr 19, 2024

Be honest. Look into the mirror. Is your culture worth belonging to? Really worth belonging to? Chat with us about shifts you can make to your culture. It's worth it.

#culture #workplace ...

Shift Culture when it is experienced. Every day. culture cultureshift Apr 12, 2024

Culture shifts are stickiest when they happen in the everyday, not just at an offsite. Don't get us wrong - we love a good team day (in fact our Teamshift programs are awesome!) but you need to...

Is it time to refresh your culture? culture cultureshift leadershift Mar 29, 2024

Cultures that work in 2024 will have these four factors at play:

  • a clear sense of Purpose that resonates with people, and they can connect with
  • true feeling of Belonging, where people can safely...
How could your stories shift culture? culture cultureshift stories Mar 22, 2024

Culture has been passed on through storytelling for thousands of years. Whether morals through children’s fairy tales or life lessons shared in the biography of a hero, we hand down our ways...

Its time to cancel all future meetings. culture meetings team Mar 15, 2024

Its time to cancel all future meetings. Deliberately design how you want your team to gather, in what forums for what purpose. Use Adam Grant's four reasons to meet - to decide, learn, bond, and do...

One size fits all? Hello 1992. culture cultureshift Mar 08, 2024

If you’re expecting your one size fits all onboarding or development offering to work today, it won’t. We’ve entered the era of the hyper personalised workplace.

The generation...

It's not the fish, it's the aquarium. culture cultureshift leadershift Mar 01, 2024

Let's shift our conversation from "a few bad apples" to look at the things that are shaping the culture and behaviour so that we don't replace the old fish with the new fish, and end up in the same...

Explore. Experience. Extend. culture cultureshift leadershift Feb 23, 2024

Are you still leading the way you learned to lead years ago? The world of work has shifted. Expectations of your team members have shifted. Our Leadershift program is designed for leaders who are...

Culture is the game culture cultureshift Feb 23, 2023

It doesn't matter what game you are in, Culture is the game.

#culture #culturematters #culturegame #peoplegame

Belonging Matters belonging (dei) culture Jan 09, 2023

Belonging matters.

Brené Brown says fitting in is the opposite of belonging.

Welcoming Cultures emphasise being friendly, polite and nice to the new person. Showing them around and introducing...

2003 called. They want their HR back. culture hr modernworkplace Jan 05, 2023

Are you ready to think differently about the people stuff? Playing catch up? Reach out. We can help.