
Effective date: 1 May, 2020

Privacy and Data Collection Policy

This statement applies to personal information collected by The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd).

  1. Meredith Wilson is The Proprietor of WAMGO Pty Ltd at PO Box 495, Lutwyche QLD 4030, Australia. WAMGO Pty Ltd trades as The People Game.
  2. The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) collects your Personal Information for the primary purpose of providing our services to you, providing information to our clients and marketing.
  3. We may also use your Personal Information for secondary purposes closely related to the primary purpose, in circumstances where you would reasonably expect such use or disclosure. 
  4. You may unsubscribe from our mailing/marketing lists at any time by contacting us in writing.
  5. Member data will be stored on its third party hosted dedicated server, Kajabi and Mailchimp, in accordance with strict procedures and security features and accepted industry standards of security and protection. The data will not be transferred to or stored outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) without your prior consent.
  6. Transmission of information via the internet and storage at locations accessible from it can never be completely secure and The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) cannot absolutely guarantee the security of data transmitted to the Website which is at the member’s and subscriber’s risk.
  7. The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) also collects data for marketing purposes to inform of events and activities. This is usually from attending speaking events, training events, workshops, mentoring and training programs facilitated by The People Game. Data will also be collected from polls, questionnaires, newsletter opt-ins on the website, any The People Game apps downloaded through the website, as well as any purchases made from the Store or the Books page. We do not, never have, and never will, harvest data using automated technologies.
  8. Under the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) effective from 25 May 2018 for any person residing in an EU country, this will be through online opt-in consent only.  If we have collected your data on paper, a business card or from interactions on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn, we will send you an email to ask you to confirm your opt-in consent.
  9. The only data stored will be your contact details securely stored in the Kajabi CRM database. We do not do any profiling analyses, other than which source we came to know you. We may also analyse open and click rates, for assessing results against industry standards, or to check if a new member has given a correct email address.
  10. Payment card details are securely held on an SSL certificate platform.
  11. The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) will not share or sell your personal data and information with third parties except: if we sell the business or its assets of The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd), in which case personal data will be one of the transferred assets; or if The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) is placed under a legal duty by a court order or arbitral order or by regulatory or professional requirements to professional bodies, authorised by statute to demand them or otherwise if required by law.
  12. The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) will gather and process data only for the purposes stated. To comply with the GDPR it will only be held through your opt-in consent and should you unsubscribe at any time, your details will be removed.
  13. Following termination of membership, membership data will be retained unless you choose to unsubscribe through the link in any Mailchimp mailer or Kajabi mailer if you request removal with a message to [email protected]  and put ‘Unsubscribe’ in the subject heading.
  14. Members and all subscribers have a right to access their information held by The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) by requesting the right of access in writing by post or email to [email protected] 
  15. We will try to ensure member data is accurate and current and will amend any inaccuracies on request.

Client Cancellation Policy

The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) requires 48 hours notice for session or event cancellations.  Cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will incur 50 per cent of the session fee. Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice, or no-shows will incur 100 per cent of the session fee.

The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) strives to accommodate our clients to the best of our ability, and while we understand that unforeseeable circumstances may result in you not attending your scheduled session, we ask you to provide as much notice as possible as to avoid a fee. The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) will always consider and apply what is fair, reasonable and common sense if a cancellation fee is charged.

Intellectual Property Disclaimer

The thoughts, processes, and theories contained within this website, speaking engagements, mentoring and coaching materials, and mentoring and coaching sessions remain the intellectual property of The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) and may not be reproduced without prior written consent of the director. 

All thoughts, theories, and processes that are not those of The People Game (WAMGO Pty Ltd) are accredited appropriately to the original author.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, concerns or complaints about these policies, please contact us: