We help you shift toward a culture that works.

Now, more than ever, leaders are expected to be worth following, to lead cultures worth belonging to and work worth doing.

 Culture matters, now more than ever. 

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In complex and uncertain times, culture can take you further than strategy can imagine. Using our deep knowledge of organisations and people, we can help you shift and accelerate towards a culture that works. A culture that makes work meaningful, builds readiness for the unknown, and inspires your team to perform at their best.

Shift how your leaders lead and multiply your performance

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The world of work has become more complex and fast-paced, but have your leadership development programs kept up? To succeed today, leaders need to shift towards new ways of thinking, working and leading while gaining the capabilities that matter, including curiosity, (un)learning and rethinking. We focus on leading culture, leading teams, and leading people through our flagship leadership development program, Leadershift, masterclasses, and coaching.

You shift teams, you shift your culture.

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We help new and established CEOs and executive leadership teams create a sense of belonging, connection, and purpose throughout their organisation. Leadership alignment can have powerful ripple effects that shift your entire team towards a better culture. Combining a deep knowledge of people, culture, and leadership, we design and deliver purpose-built programs that bring teams together.

 How we work with you

We know that culture is dynamic and shifting culture on purpose can be iterative, so we take a menu approach to our offering. Each engagement is bespoke and based on our client's needs. This allows you to pick and mix what is right for you, and to flex as your needs evolve. We love partnering with our Clients over the longer term.

  • Mentoring - Guidance and support for Senior Executives and Senior HR who are leading your shift.
  • Coaching - 1:1 Leader development through Leadershift, moving you to new ways of thinking, working, and leading.
  • Advisory - We are proud to provide specialist People & Culture advice that is commercial, pragmatic, and actionable.
  • Hands-On - We augment your team to deliver specific projects or deliverables.
  • Learning - We deliver engaging, and progressive learning experiences. Leadership and onboarding are our two areas of expertise.
  • Team Coaching - Implementation or Project Team Coaching through delivery phases.

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Shift to a culture that works. A culture that will grow and sustain your organisation. A sticky culture where people want to stick around.

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Shift to a culture that works. A culture that will grow and sustain your organisation. A sticky culture where people want to stick around.

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